Reporting under the Seveso Directive


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Article 18 (1) of the Seveso Directive (Directive 2012/18/EU, Seveso III) requires that Member States inform the Commission of the major accidents which have occurred within their territory (and which fulfil certain criteria defined in the Directive). The Member States are also to supply the Commission with certain information regarding the establishments covered by the Seveso Directive, according to Article 21 (3) of that Directive. The databases to be used for the reporting are to be set up and be kept to date by the Commission, as per Articles 21 (3) and (4) of the Seveso Directive.

The formats for the provisions of this information are adopted via implementing acts. The currently used formats are provided in Commission Decision 2009/10/EC (for accidents) and Commission Implementing Decision 2014/895/EU (for information on establishments).

A new Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/1979 has been adopted defining the new reporting framework and the role of the EEA. The act transfers the responsibility for both databases to the EEA and defines a new reporting format for eSPIRS. This new format includes aspects of inclusion of Seveso establishments into the EU Registry of industrial sites. There is no change to eMARS reporting format in the CID.

The purpose of this site is to allow the reporter community to track developments in the process of transferring the reporting to the EEA.

The site is used for sharing documents for review and presentations from events. 


Upcoming events

The EEA has initiated testing of the reporting platforms.

The testing follows the following schedule:

  • Major accidents reporting eMARS Phase I: February-March (estimated last access date 21st March)
  • Establishments reporting eSPIRS: April-May (estimated last access date 30th May)
  • Major accidents reporting eMARS Phase II: June-July (estimated last access date 3rd July)

Demo webinars will be organised:

  • Major accidents reporting eMARS Phase I: 5th March, 2025; 10-11:00 am CET
  • Establishments reporting eSPIRS: TBD
  • Major accidents reporting eMARS Phase II: TBD

Past events




Agendas and presentations

Transfer of Seveso Reporting to the EEA,

November 27-28 2023


Agenda: Final event agenda

Presentations: Full slide deck

Seveso Reporting: eSPIRS data model

April 17 2024


Presentation: Slide deck

Seveso Reporting: eMARS data model

December 17 2024


Presentation: Slide deck


Legal background


  • Data model documentation for reporting establishment information and accident information.
  • User guide for the reporting platform:
  • Additional documents will be added as they become available


Frequently Asked Questions

Will the reporter community be consulted during the transfer process? 

Yes. At key stages of the development, the EEA will provide documents and test sites for the community to review. The community will have the opportunity to provide comments.

Will there be guidance to the new systems? 

Yes, the EEA will provide detailed guidance to the data format, reporting platforms, and quality assessment tools.

Will the format for reporting major accident information change? 

The content of the reporting major accidents will not change, as the requirements have not changed. The way it is implemented may be different from the current system.