Reporter nominations overview

The following provides an overview of the processes for nominating and updating reporters under the different dataflows. 


Instrument NDFC role  Reporter nomination process Dataflow helpdesk Reporting platform
Air Quality Directive Observe New nominations can be sent to the helpdesk Reportnet 2
Bern Convention - Emerald Network Observe Bern Secretariat invites the signatories to the Convention to nominate data coordinators and send their details to EEA data steward via eionet helpdesk to manage the access. Reportnet 2
Birds Directive - Information on Natura 2000 sites (SPAs, Birds Directive) Observe DG ENV invites the MS to nominate data coordinators and send their details to EEA data steward who manages their access. Country request must come from EU Expert Group on the Birds and Habitats Directive (NADEG) member Reportnet 2
Birds Directive - Progress/implementation report (Article 12, Birds Directive) Observe New nominations can be sent to the helpdesk Reportnet 2
Birds Directive - National Report on Derogations under the Birds Directive Observe When nominating a new national data coordinator for derogations,  send the request directly to European Commission contact point for derogation reporting. The request should come from and have the approval of one of the EU Expert Group on the Birds and Habitats Directive (NADEG) member. Once EC receive the request, EC will forward the request to the EEA data steward and update contact lists. Reportnet 2
CLRTAP Observe New nominations can be sent to the eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
CO2 emissions from new light commercial vehicles Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 3
CO2 emissions from passenger cars Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 3
CO2 monitoring and reporting, cars and vans: implementing provisions, incl. real-world monitoring Observe No request sent yet   Reportnet 3
EEA AWP - Nationally designated areas (CDDA-1) Manage Reporting permissions for NatDA/CDDA can be updated by contacting the dataflow helpdesk. For 'Site codes allocation service' NDFC update the CDDA eionet group Reportnet 3
EEA AWP - WISE SoE - Water quality (WISE-6) Manage Reporting permissions can be updated by contacting the dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 3
EEA AWP - WISE SoE - Water Quantity (WISE-3) Manage Reporting permissions can be updated by contacting the dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 3
EEA AWP - WISE SoE - Biological data in rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters (WISE-2) Manage Reporting permissions can be updated by contacting the dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
EEA AWP - Corine Land Cover Manage Reporting permissions can be managed by the NDFC using the Eionet LDAP roles Reportnet 2
EEA AWP - WISE - Spatial Data (WISE-5) Manage Reporting permissions can be managed by the NDFC using the Eionet LDAP roles Reportnet 2
EEA AWP - WISE SoE - Emissions (WISE-1) Manage Reporting permissions can be updated by contacting the dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 3
EEA AWP - Designation types of designated areas Manage CDDA reporters can update the webform which updates the designation types used in NatDA/CDDA. NFP manages Reportnet 2
EEA AWP - Land parcel size data  Manage Reporting permissions can be managed by the NDFC using the Eionet LDAP roles Reportnet 2
Emissions Trading Directive Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 3
Energy Community Treaty Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
Environmental noise directive Observe Request for nominations come from DG ENV sending a formal letter to the Noise regulatory committee asking for MS to officially nominate reporters. EEA manages access. Reportnet 3
Environmental Quality Standards Directive Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
E-PRTR regulation Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
Floods Directive Observe As agreed in Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS) under the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive. Countries have nominated a WISE national reporting coordinator (See list at Only this coordinator can send a request for reporter nomination changes to the dataflow helpdesk, for it to be proceesed by the EEA. Reportnet 2
Fuel Quality Directive Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
Greenhouse gas Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR) Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
Habitats Directive - Information on Natura 2000 sites (SCIs/SACs, Habitats Directive) Observe DG ENV invites the MS to nominate data coordinators and send their details to EEA data stewards who manages their access Reportnet 2
Habitats Directive - Report on Implementation Measures (Article 17, Habitats Directive) Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
Habitats Directive - National Report on Derogations under the Habitats Directive Observe When nominating a new national data coordinator for derogations,  send the request directly to European Commission contact point for derogation reporting. The request should come from and have the approval of one of the EU Expert Group on the Birds and Habitats Directive (NADEG) member. Once EC receive the request, EC will forward the request to the colleagues in EEA and update contact lists. Reportnet 2
HDV Monitoring and Reporting Regulation Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 3
Industrial Emissions Directive Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
Marine Strategy Framework Directive Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
Medium Combustion Plants (MCP) Directive Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
Medium Combustion Plants (MCP) Directive Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
Mercury Regulation Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
New Bathing Water Directive Observe As agreed in Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS) under the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive. Countries have nominated a WISE national reporting coordinator (See list at Only this coordinator can send a request for reporter nomination changes to the dataflow helpdesk, for it to be proceesed by the EEA. Reportnet 3
New Drinking Water Directive Observe As agreed in Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS) under the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive. Countries have nominated a WISE national reporting coordinator (See list at Only this coordinator can send a request for reporter nomination changes to the dataflow helpdesk, for it to be proceesed by the EEA. Reportnet 2
Nitrates Directive Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
Regulation on invasive alien species  Observe DG ENV invites the MS to nominate data coordinators and send their details to EEA data stewards who manages their access Reportnet 2
Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action Observe DG CLIMA sends a formal letter to the Per. Reps. asking to officially nominate lead reporters Reportnet 3
Revised NEC Directive Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
Sewage Sludge Directive Observe Contact sewage sludge helpdesk Reportnet 3
Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Observe As agreed in Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS) under the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive. Countries have nominated a WISE national reporting coordinator (See list at Only this coordinator can send a request for reporter nomination changes to the dataflow helpdesk, for it to be proceesed by the EEA. Reportnet 3
VOC Paints Directive  Observe Contact eionet helpdesk Reportnet 2
Waste Framework Directive Observe Contact dataflow helpdesk Reportnet 2
Water Framework Directive Observe As agreed in Working Group Data & Information Sharing (DIS) under the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive. Countries have nominated a WISE national reporting coordinator (See list at Only this coordinator can send a request for reporter nomination changes to the dataflow helpdesk, for it to be proceesed by the EEA. Reportnet 2