GEMET’s data is exposed through the Web for remote applications using XML (RDF/SKOS), HTTP and XML/RPC. The XML output is available at .
GEMET is language neutral. The problem is that one language might use a single word to describe a concept. But in another language people use two or more terms to split the concept into several concepts. As they say; Eskimos have 40 different words for “snow”. In GEMET this extreme example would be 40 concepts, but the English terms would all be “snow”. Icelandic would have perhaps 15 words for snow, and therefore also some overlap. Since no language is so rich it has unique terms for all concepts, GEMET uses a number to distinguish the concepts from each other.
A concept URI is simply the thesaurus URI plus the concept number. E.g. . Currently it is just a string, but we want to make GEMET part of the Semantic Web and browsable as Linked Data. What this means is that if you visit a concept URI with a webbrowser, you’ll see a webpage. If you use a linked data browser, with an Accept-header of application/rdf+xml , then an RDF document will be returned.
The methods below are described as method calls in simplified Java with the public keyword implied. If you want to use it as a ReST api. You first need the URL where the API is implemented. In GEMET it is . Then you encode the parameters as a GET operation:
ReST has the constraint on the API that the arguments can only be text strings. I.e. you can’t send structures over to the server. Likewise no polymorphism is possible.
Without specifying any additional parameter, the standard format of the output is JSON .
All JSON responses can also be wrapped as JSONP if you provide a jsonp argument. I.e.:
will wrap the JSON response in callback method call.
When designing the API we have been careful not to mix up the URL of the method with the URL of the thesaurus. It is possible to install the application and GEMET database somewhere else (e.g. intranet) and then use it without being dependent on GEMET at . I.e.:
must be possible.
The following set of functions can be called by a Web application or Web page using either HTTP, where the parameters are specified in the query string or via XML/RPC. A combination of such function calls ensure the full retrieval of GEMET’s content.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A list of dictionaries representing the concepts |
The result from the method will be a list of concept structs that are determined to be top concepts of the thesaurus. The purpose is to make the thesaurus browsable. In principle all concepts that don’t have a broader definition would qualify. This method replaces fetchTopConcepts , fetchThemes and fetchGroups . To get the themes, you would call getTopmostConcepts('', 'en') .
A URI is a subclass of string, potentially with some methods to manipulate the URI.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A list of dictionaries representing the concepts |
This method will return a listing of relations for the given concept. The relation can be any relationship, but only direct relationships. The target_thesaurus_uri argument is optional. If it isn’t provided the relations can be to concepts in all thesauri in the database. The relation_uri argument is optional. It makes it possible to get only one type of relationship. The relation argument takes a URI, e.g. . See [ Known relations ] for a list of known relations. Only thesauri that are stored in the database are included.
The properties theme and hasConcept are inverse of each other. Meaning <Concept A> theme <Theme B> is the same as <Theme B> hasConcept <Concept A> . Therefore hasConcept is not actually listed in the database. Similarly are the properties group and hasConcept inverse. As are subGroupOf and subGroup .
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A list of dictionaries representing the concepts |
This method will return related concepts for the given concept. The relation_uri is mandatory, and must be one of the known relations listed in getAllConceptRelatives() . See [ Known relations ] for a list of known relations.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A boolean - True or False |
Tests if the given concept_uri is in the relation relation_uri with the object_uri
Parameters: | concept_uri – A URI for the concept |
Return type: | A boolean - True or False |
This function tests if the given concept_uri represents a valid concept or not, returning true or false.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A dictionary representing the concept |
Returns a Concept struct filled out with information from the requested language.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A list of dictionaries containing the language and the property value |
Returns all translations for a property of a given concept. The property is either a SKOS property URI, or an attribute name from the Concept class. Currently these are: definition, prefLabel, scopeNote, acronymLabel, and example. It is possible for a compliant server to have more information about a concept. These will show up as extra attributes in Concept objects, and it is legal for a client to ask about translations for any attribute of type LanguageString.
Property URI | Concept attribute |
---|---| | definition | | preferredLabel | | scopeNote | | nonPreferredLabels | | example | | acronymLabel |
Why this business with property URIs? It is to provide an opportunity for someone who thinks in RDF terms to use the API in a natural way.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A list of dictionaries representing the found concepts |
The function retrieves a list of concepts matching a keyword for a particular thesaurus.
New in version 2.1: The language parameter is now set by default to ‘en’ .
Parameters: |
Return type: |
A list of dictionaries representing the found concepts |
Get a list of concepts matching a regex for a particular thesaurus. The language argument is used both for specifying what language to search in and for returning the concept in the correct language.
New in version 2.1: The language parameter is now set by default to ‘en’ .
Parameters: | concept_uri – A URI for the concept |
Return type: | A list of strings representing the available languages (as codes) |
This function returns the languages a concept’s preferred label is available in. A concept must have a preferred label before it can have any other property in that language.
Parameters: | concept_uri – A URI for the thesaurus |
Return type: | A list of strings representing the available languages (as codes) |
This function retrieves a list containing the language codes for all the languages supported by a certain namespace (concept, group, theme, etc.). Its parameter, thesaurus_uri , specifies the URI for the wanted namespace.
Return type: | A list of strings representing the available thesauri |
This function returns all the thesauri URIs the service knows of.
Parameters: | language – The language in which the themes are returned. |
Return type: | A list of dictionaries representing the fetched themes |
This function retrieves all the themes the service knows of. It is a convenience method that calls getTopmostConcepts('\', language) .
New in version 2.1: The language parameter is now set by default to ‘en’ .
Parameters: | language – The language in which the groups are returned. |
Return type: | A list of dictionaries representing the fetched themes |
This function retrieves all the groups the service knows of. It is a convenience method that calls getTopmostConcepts('\', language) .
New in version 2.1: The language parameter is now set by default to ‘en’ .
New in version 2.1: This is a new method.
Parameters: | language – The language in which super groups are returned. |
Return type: | A list of dictionaries representing the fetched themes |
This function retrieves all the supergroups the service knows of. In principle all groups that don’t have a broader definition would qualify. It is a convenience method that calls getTopmostConcepts('\', language) .
Note : To get the children (narrower groups), you can then call for each of them getAllConceptRelatives(target_thesaurus_uri='') .
Relation | Description |
---|---| | Narrower concept | | Broader concept | | Related, but not a synonym | | Theme relationship of a concept. Implemented in RDF, but it is unclear whether it is relevant. Equivalent to broader, but a theme is not a broader concept of a concept | | Theme member relationship of a concept. Equivalent to narrower, but a theme is not a narrower concept of a concept | | Source is a theme or group, target is a concept, equivalent to narrower | | Source is a concept, target is a group. Equivalent to broader | | Source is a group, target is a concept. Equivalent to narrower | | Source is a group, target is one of the four super groups. Equivalent to broader | | Source is one of the four super groups, target is a group. Equivalent to narrower |
Note : when using the RESTful API you have to encode the ‘#’ as %23 in URLs, otherwise the webbrowser assumes you’re referring to a fragment inside the result document.
Thesauri | Description |
---|---| | thesaurus URI for Concepts | | thesaurus URI for Themes | | thesaurus URI for Groups | | thesaurus URI for SuperGroups | | thesaurus URI for Inspire Themes |
Note : To retrieve the available thesauri, use the function getAvailableThesauri()