ETC HE Report 2024/11: Health effects of transportation noise for children and adolescents: an umbrella review and burden of disease estimation

This report provides an up-to-date assessment of the burden of disease from transportation noise in children and adolescents in Europe. Novel exposure response functions are derived by means of an Umbrella+ review, combining systematic reviews with recent original research. Calculations are conducted for three scenarios: i) using a quantification threshold of 55 dB; ii) using the WHO guidelines as a quantification threshold; and iii) using the identified effect threshold of 45 or 50 dB, respectively. According to scenario i) 564,000 children with reading difficulties, 63,000 children with behavioral problems and 272,000 children with overweight are attributable to transportation noise exposure in Europe. Substantially higher number were found for scenario ii) and iii). A review of intervention studies identified five types of interventions ranging from noise reduction at the source to social interventions including education. Research evaluating the effectiveness of such interventions for children’s health is very limited.

19 Feb 2025

Nicole Engelmann (Swiss TPH), Xing Jiang (Swiss TPH), ), Núria Blanes Guàrdia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Danielle Vienneau (Swiss TPH), Martin Röösli (Swiss TPH), Gerardo Sanchez (EEA), Eulalia Peris (EEA)