ETC HE Report 2023/12: Methodology to assess vulnerable groups exposed to environmental noise
This report aims to develop a methodology to analyse the potential impact of environmental noise at schools. This objective aligns with the END and the Zero Pollution Action Plan, which call for stronger action to reduce noise pollution.
01 Mar 2024
Jaume Fons (UAB), Núria Blanes (UAB), Francisco Domingues (UAB), Miquel Sáinz (UAB), Danielle Vienneau (SwissTPH), Martin Röösli (SwissTPH)
The methodological proposal developed here aim at determining exposure at school, for school children as the vulnerable group.
This methodology is based on available data on schools from Eurostat and strategic noise maps reported under the Environmental Noise Directive. The combination of these two datasets intends to provide knowledge on the potential impact of exposure to environmental noise in schools. The methodology will help in evaluating learning impairment (or other outcomes) due to environmental noise in school children.
The results in relation to noise will be obtained at the school level (represented by a georeferenced point located i.e. in the façade and other times georeferenced at a midpoint inside the building) and within a buffer of 100 m around the point representing the school, as the surface nearby the school to be considered in the analysis.