ETC/CME Report 5/2021: Overview of reported national greenhouse gas policies and measures in Europe in 2021
23 Dec 2021
Tom Dauwe
Member States have to report every two years on their national greenhouse gas policies and measures. In 2021, EU Member States reported a total of 2 052 expired, existing and planned policies and measures. This is again a marked increase in the number of policies and measures reported by Member States, that partially can be explained by the implementation of the National Energy and Climate Plans. Quantitative evidence on the effectiveness and costs and benefits of these measures remains insufficiently reported.
Prepared by: Tom Dauwe (VITO), Katrina Young (Aether), Nicole Mandl (UBA-V), Elisabeth Rigler (UBA-V), Kathryn Hampshire (Aether), Kelsey van Maris (VITO), Henrik Neier (UBA-V), Luke Jones (Aether), Magdalena Jóźwicka-Olsen (EEA)
Published by: ETC/CME, December 2021, 57 pp.
Publication number: Eionet report ETC/CME 5/2021