The ETC CE consortium brings together 13 partner organisations, providing a strong team of experts with outstanding knowledge and experience in the work areas and activities of the ETC CE 2022-2026.
Logo |
Organization name |
Country |
[Name in English]
Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO) - Coordinating organisation
Belgium |
Banson Editorial and Communications Ltd (BEC)
Ireland |
Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA)
Česká informační agentura životního prostředí
Czech Republic |
Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)
Germany |
Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth of the National Research Council of Italy
Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IRCrES)
Italy |
Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA)
Italy |
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
Sweden |
Norion Consult |
Denmark |
Sustainable Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies (SEEDS)
Italy |
German Environment Agency
Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
Germany |
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy
Finland |
Wuppertal Institut (WI) |
Germany |
World Resources Forum Association (WRFA) |
Switzerland |