Adaptation policies and knowledge base in transnational regions in Europe
08 Dec 2018
Tiberiu Ichim
This Technical Paper provides an overview and analysis of the actions on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction promoted in 12 European transnational regions (Northern Periphery and Arctic, Atlantic Area, North West Europe, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Alpine Space, Central Europe, Danube, Mediterranean, South West Europe, Adriatic-Ionian and Balkan-Mediterranean), as defined by the current INTERREG V B 2014–2020 programme, by analysing besides the INTERREG transnational cooperation programmes also the EU macro-regional strategies, the international conventions and the other cooperation initiatives. The remaining three INTERREG V B cooperation regions located outside Europe (Caribbean area, Amazonia and Indian Ocean area) are reported briefly in Annex 1 of the Technical Paper.
Authors: Emiliano Ramieri (1), Margaretha Breil (2), Sergio Castellari (3,6), Elisa Calliari (2), Wolfgang Lexer (4), Stefan Fronzek (5)
Published by: ETC/CCA, Bologna, IT, December 2018
(1) Thetis (2) Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) (3) European Environment Agency (EEA) (4) Umweltbundesamt GmbH - Environment Agency Austria (EAA) (5) Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) (6) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)