Social vulnerability to climate change in European cities – state of play in policy and practice
07 Feb 2018
Margaretha Breil, Clare Downing, Aleksandra Kazmierczak, Kirsi Mäkinen, Linda Romanovska, Emma Terämä, Rob Swart
Climate change impacts do not affect all citizens in the same way. They often cause worse impacts on certain vulnerable groups within cities. The aim of this technical paper is to provide the state-of-play in policy and practice for addressing social vulnerability to climate change in urban areas.Authors: Margaretha Breil (1), Clare Downing (2), Aleksandra Kazmierczak (3), Kirsi Mäkinen (4), Linda Romanovska (5)
Contributors: Emma Terämä (4), Rob Swart (6)
Published by: ETC/CCA, Bologna, IT, February 2018
(1) Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), (2) The Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University of Oxford (UKCIP), (3) European Environment Agency (EEA), (4) Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), (5) Fresh-Thoughts Consulting (FT) (6) Wageningen Environmental Research (WER)
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Social vulnerability to climate change in European cities – state of play in policy and practice
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