Reference Portal for Art 12 reporting period 2008-2012

This reference portal contains reference documents related to the information provided in the reporting formats under Article 12 of the Birds Directive.

Methodological guidance

1) Reporting formats for the period 2008-2012

The reporting format for Article 12 is available here.

2) Explanatory Notes and Guidelines for the period 2008-2012

The Explanatory notes and Guidelines for Article 12 are available here.

Corrigenda to the Explanatory Notes & Guidelines are available here

To support Member States in preparing the Article 12 reports for the period 2008-2012 the Frequently asked questions service was put in place providing some additional guidance related to the questions from Member States. The answers to Member States questions can be viewed here: FAQ for Article 12 reporting.

Reference material

1) The country codes (ISO 3166 country-code)

The EU rule of the use of the 2-letter ISO 3166 country-code is applied in the Article 17 reports to identify the origin of the report (see with an exception of United Kingdom, where UK is used instead of GB.

English Name ISO code English Name ISO code
Austria AT Latvia LV
Belgium BE Lithuania LT
Bulgaria BG Luxembourg LU
Cyprus CY Malta MT
Czech Republic CZ Netherlands NL
Denmark DK Poland PL
Estonia EE Portugal PT
Finland FI Romania RO
France FR Slovakia SK
Germany DE Slovenia SI
Greece GR Spain ES
Hungary HU Sweden SE
Ireland IE United Kingdom UK
Italy IT

For the following four sub-national regions the following codes should be used:

English Name Sub national Code
United Kingdom: Gibraltar GIB
Portugal: Azores PTAC
Portugal: Madeira PTMA
Spain: Canary Islands ESIC

2) Checklist for Birds Directive Article 12 reporting

The checklist lists the species occurring in the Member States during breeding, winter and passage seasons. Only passage birds triggering the SPA designation are included in the checklist.

The checklist uses the valid species codes and names provided in the following link:

Last updated: 06.05.2015

3) Population units

Recommended units for estimating population size were breeding pairs (= p) for the breeding season and individuals (= i) for the winter and passage seasons, with a few exceptions which are indicated in the species checklist. For population units the codes from the following list were used here.

Last updated: 06.05.2015

4) List of threats and pressures

The same list is used for the species reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive and the Standard Data Form (SDF).

Last updated: 06.05.2015

5) List of conservation measures

The same list is used for the species reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive and the Standard Data Form (SDF)

Last updated: 06.05.2015

6) European grids

The European (ETRS) 10x10km² grids used for mapping the distribution and range are available on the 'Data and maps' section of the EEA website.

Last updated: 06.05.2015