ETC/BD Report 3/2018: Fact sheets on marine habitats and species for the Marine Baltic region
01 Oct 2018
Iulian Petchesi
The present document was prepared in support to the 2nd Marine Seminar as part of the Natura 2000 Biogeographical process. This process aims at facilitating exchanges between Member States, key user groups, NGOs and independent experts on conservation measures necessary to achieving favourable conservation status of species and habitats of Community interest, with special attention to the management and coherence of the Natura 2000 network within a same marine region. This document complements the pre-scoping document for the marine regions published as ETC/BD Technical paper n°2/2015, by providing the following information for the Marine Baltic region: 1) Descriptive fact sheets on two EU Red list habitat-types, 2) Updated fact sheets prepared by ETC/BD on three Annex I habitat-types which are sub-types of the two EU Red List habitat-types, 3) Updated fact sheet prepared by ETC/BD on one Annex II species and 4) Fact sheet prepared by ETC/BD on one bird species.
Prepared by: Jérôme Bailly Maitre, Laura Patricia Gavilan, Michelle Watson and Dominique Richard (from ETC/BD-MNHN, FR)