Note on the geographical scope of the EUNIS species component - ETC/BD Technical paper N°10/2015
01 Dec 2015
Iulian Petchesi
This document aims at clarifying how the geographical scope of certain species and sub-species is reflected in the EUNIS web application, which provides information on species of European concern. Specifically, it focuses on species and sub-species which are mentioned collectively, e.g. at the genus level, in legal texts (Directives, conventions, agreements) of exclusively European scope, as well as species and sub-species mentioned individually or collectively in legal texts of broader scope than Europe are reflected in EUNIS.
Prepared by: Paco Sánchez Aguado (consultant to ETC/BD-MNHN, FR)
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Note on the geographical scope of the EUNIS species component - ETC/BD Technical paper N°10/2015
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