Fact sheets on Mediterranean marine habitats and species - ETC/BD Technical paper N°2/2017
01 Jul 2017
Iulian Petchesi
These fact sheets on anadromous fish species in the Mediterranean region complement the fact sheets prepared as part of the "Pre-scoping document for the marine regions, ETC/BD Technical paper n°2/2015". The information presented here reflects what was reported by Member States under Art 17 of the Habitats Directive in 2013. Delayed information reported by Greece in 2015 is also mentioned for each species, when relevant.
Prepared by: Dominique Richard, Mikaël Baudet Maze, Jérôme Bailly Maitre and Laura Patricia Gavilan (from ETC/BD-MNHN, FR)
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Fact sheets on Mediterranean marine habitats and species - ETC/BD Technical paper N°2/2017
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