ETC/BD Technical paper 11/2018: Ecosystem Type Map v3.1-Terrestrial and marine ecosystems
01 Dec 2018
Iulian Petchesi
This technical report provides methodological explanations on the update of the first version of Map of European Ecosystem Types (Ecosystem Type Map v2.1, published in 2014 and based mainly on input datasets from reference year 2006).
This new version is based on CLC2012 and new datasets such as the Local Components (LoCo) consisting of Urban Atlas (UA), Riparian Zones (RZ) or Natura 2000 (N2k) and the High Resolution Layers (HRL) Grasslands and HRL Permanent Water Bodies developed by the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service.
Prepared by: Michael Weiss and Gebhard Banko (from ETC/BD partner UBA, AT), and contribution from Raquel Ubach (from ETC/ULS UAB) and Ana Isabel Marín (from ETC/ULS UMA)