Article 12 datasets (tabular and spatial) - ETC/BD Technical paper N°7/2015
01 Dec 2015
Iulian Petchesi
This document describes the European database which results from the merging into a European database of all data reported by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive. The database was used to prepare the assessment of population status of all naturally occurring wild bird species at EU level, which was used by the European Commission to report on the overall implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives as the EU level.
Prepared by: Sabine Roscher, Jérôme Bailly Maitre, Želmíra Šípková-Gaudillat, Mikaël Baudet Maze, Marita Arvela and Dominique Richard (from ETC/BD-MNHN, FR), Manuel Löhnertz (from ETC/BD partner Space4environment, LU), in collaboration with Rob Pople, Christina Ieronymidou and Ian Burfield (BirdLife, UK), Enriko Käsper and Kaido Laine (TripleDev, EE)