2nd pre‐scoping document for the Macaronesian biogeographical region - ETC/BD Technical paper N°2/2018

01 Sep 2018

Iulian Petchesi

Such pre-scoping documents are produced by the ETC/BD in support to the Natura 2000 Biogeographical process which aims at facilitating exchanges among Member States on measures necessary to achieving favourable conservation status of species and habitats of Community interest, with special attention to the management and coherence of the Natura 2000network. This process involves Member States, key user groups, NGOs and independent experts from a same biogeographical region. A first pre-scoping document (first draft pre-scoping document) had been prepared in February 2013 for both the Macaronesian and the Mediterranean regions. It described the methodology to rank habitat types and species proposed for priority discussion within the seminars, based on the Article 17 data from the first reporting cycle, i.e. the period 2001-2006.
The present pre-scoping document which covers only the Macaronesian region continues from the work of the 1st draft, but making use of Article 17 data from the second reporting cycle, i.e. the period 2007-2012. It focuses on Annex I habitats, and Annexes II and IV species which are shared by Portugal and Spain within the region and consists in a) The core report which describes the general process, the methodological approach and detailed results of the analysis, b) fact-sheets on each of the 14 habitat-types and 21 species of the Habitats Directive shared by Portugal and Spain.

Prepared by: Luboš Halada, Katarína Gerhátová, Noémi Matušicová and Juraj Lieskovský (from ETC/BD partner ILE-SAS, SK), Laura-Patricia Gavilán, Michelle Watson, Jérôme Bailly Maitre and Dominique Richard (from ETC/BD-MNHN, FR)