ETC/ATNI Report 3/2021: Environmental Noise Directive Reporting guidelines. DF4_8 Strategic noise maps.
The reporting guidelines are intended to support reporters that will be conducting the submission of data required under the Environmental Noise Directive. The document provides an overview to the reporting process as well as it describes the quality checks that are undertaken during the submission process. In addition to this, best practice examples are also provided.
10 Dec 2021
Núria Blanes, Guillem Closa, Maria José Ramos, Miquel Sáinz de la Maza, Eulàlia Peris, Darja Lihteneger, Roman Ortner, Christine Brendle
Prepared by:
Núria Blanes (UAB), Guillem Closa (UAB), Maria José Ramos (UAB), Miquel Sáinz de la Maza (UAB),
Eulàlia Peris (EEA), Darja Lihteneger (EEA)
The reporting guidelines are intended to support reporters that will be conducting the submission of data required under the Environmental Noise Directive. The document provides an overview to the reporting process as well as it describes the quality checks that are undertaken during the submission process. In addition to this, best practice examples are also provided.