Frequently asked questions about log in to workspaces in Microsoft Teams

Note: This frequently asked questions is a living document and will be regularly updated.

1. What do I need to be able to log in to the workspace in Microsoft Teams?

Log in can be done in:

  • A modern browser - Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome are fully supported. Please read more on the supported browsers.
  • Or directly in Microsoft Teams app, if you already use it.

It is important to stress that you do NOT need a licence for Microsoft Teams, nor do you need to have the Microsoft Teams app installed on your computer. All functionality is equally available through the browser, and you will not miss out on functionality if you use the browser version.

The first time you log in you will need to set up multifactor authentication method, such as the  Microsoft Authenticator app. You will be guided through the process when you click on the invitation. In the invitation there is a link to a step-by-step guide that can help you through the steps.

For other options and more details on the Multifactor Authentication, please refer to Section 3 of these FAQs.

All the subsequent times you log in, you will be required to authorize the login. Depending on your choice of multifactor authentication method, you will authorize the login:

  • In the Microsoft Authenticator App, by clicking “Approve”;
  • Or you will be asked to write a 6-digit code received by SMS or if you use a different authenticator app.


2. What is Multifactor authentication and why do we need it?

Multifactor authentication is an important security measure that adds a second layer of protection to your account, in addition to your username and password. This additional layer makes it much harder for hackers to break into your account.

To be able to log in to Eionet’s workspace in Microsoft Teams, EEA requires multifactor authentication.

The EEA is required by regulation to protect our (and our member country) data, and multifactor authentication is the standard way to do this. EEA is currently working on securing all our external facing applications, such as Reportnet 3.0, with this important security measure. Other EU institutions are required to do the same in order to comply with incoming Cybersecurity Regulation and implement the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade.

Multifactor authentication is becoming the standard for securing applications accessible over internet, not only in the EU context but also in the private sector (banks, social media, shopping).


3 Common questions on Multifactor Authentication

3.1 Which multifactor authentication method shall I use?

We recommend you to use the Microsoft Authenticator app which is available for Android and Apple smartphones or tablets free of charge. This is the most convenient method and is fully suppported to work with all Microsoft services.
Please note that EEA helpdesk is not able to provide custom support for users of any different authentication method, and we cannot guarantee for those to work. The following is a list of alternatives

  • You can also use other Authenticator apps on your phone, such as FreeOTP, which is open source and available for Android or Apple devices.
  • You can also use any mobile phone that can receive SMS. We only recommend this option as an alternative if you cannot install any authenticator app as it is less secure and you need to provide a phone number.
  • As a third alterntive, you could use applications which can be run on Desktop computers such as WinAuth. Please note however that EEA helpdesk cannot provide support on these alternatives. Please check with your local IT helpdesk for support.

3.2 How can I log in if my employer does not provide me a mobile phone?

You can also use a (personal) tablet or a smartphone, on which you will need to install the Microsoft Authenticator app. (Or another authenticator app you might already use). Alternatively you can use

  • Any mobile phone that can receive SMS 
  • There are also authentication apps which you can install on a local PC/Laptop or on a portable USB Key, such as WinAuth. However, please note that EEA cannot provide support for these tools and you will in most cases need your local IT support to install and support these.

3.3 Can I use an Authenticator app on my PC instead, if I cannot use or do not want to use a phone ?

Yes, there are some alternatives, see point 3.2. However, you will need your local IT  to support you with those as EEA helpdesk cannot provide support. 

3.4 Can I receive the authentication SMS on a landline/fixed phone/office phone ?

No, this is not possible

3.5. I have concerns about privacy. Who will see my phone number?

If possible, we suggest that you use Microsoft Authenticator app on a smartphone or tablet. This way, you will not be required to provide any phone number to anyone. From a privacy and security perspective this is the best choice.

If you choose to use the SMS method, the provided phone number will be used solely for the authentication service and it will not be visible to other Eionet members or other EEA staff. Your employer will not be able to see that you use the phone number for logging in because this security information is only linked to the organisation that requests it, in this case EEA.

3.6 I already use my phone number to log in to Microsoft Teams of other institution. Do I need another phone number?

You don’t need another phone number. You can use the same phone number for logging in to different institutions, and for logging in with different email addresses.

You can also use the same Microsoft Authenticator app (or another authenticator app) to log in to different institutions, and to log in with different email addresses.

3.7. How often will I receive the SMS or need to use the Authenticator app?

The authentication becomes necessary:

  • When logging in;
  • When switching between accounts;
  • Or when the session runs out.

When either of these situations happen, you will be required, depending on your choice of multifactor authentication method, to approve authentication through the 6-digit code sent to you by SMS, or through the authenticator app.  

These situations depend on the settings of your computer and user behaviour i.e., whether the Microsoft Teams app or the browser is used, whether the browser is closed or left open throughout the day. If you log in every workday, you can expect to authenticate with SMS or Microsoft Authenticator app at least once per workday.

3.8. What happens if I lose my phone / get a new phone or a new phone number number?

You can use the self-service Multifactor Authentication Setup, to change the phone number or to update the authentication method, i.e., changing from Microsoft Authenticator app to SMS authentication. Make sure to select the EEA as organisation, as the authentication method is set individually by organisation.

We recommend that you write to if you face problems with updating your authenticator/phone number. We can initiate a re-registration for your multifactor authentication method when you log in the next time to the Eionet’s workspace in Teams.

3.9. My employer also uses Microsoft Teams, but multifactor authentication is not required. If I log in with the same email will this affect Microsoft Teams in my institution?

There will be no conflicts with your institution’s security settings for Microsoft Teams, if your institution has different requirements for login. 

The multifactor authentication is compulsory only for the institution that requires it, in this case EEA, and will not be required for other institutions where you use the same email address to log in.


4. I have a personal Microsoft account with a different email address, not with my professional email address. Can I use this email address?

We strongly recommend that you use your professional email address if possible. Please note that any notifications from Teams and related applications will be sent to this email address.